Get Better Results from your Content efforts!

My Content and Copywriting Audit will provide you with a comprehensive report packed with practical strategies and suggestions for improving your digital presence.  

These implementable solutions are tailored to ensure your website and content start working hard for you, engage with your audience, and bring you more business!

A Fresh perspective to help you maximise your impact!

Imagine having a fresh set of eyes to breathe new life into your website and content strategy. 

That's exactly what my audit offers. By providing a unique viewpoint, I'll highlight the strengths of your current content and pinpoint areas for improvement. 

This isn't just about tweaking words; it's about ensuring every effort you make counts.
What You Get

A Detailed 3-4 page Report packed with insights and at least three actionable recommendations.

Practical, Implementable solutions you can understand and implement yourself.

Identifying what you're doing well and where there's room for improvement.

No jargon, no fluff – just clear, concise, and effective suggestions.

How This Works

Book Your Content and Copywriting Audit via the checkout below.

After, you'll be taken to a short form to complete (this gives me the details I need to complete your audit).

Within two weeks you'll receive your comprehensive report via the email provided in the form of a PDF.

What Other's Say About My Audits

"Laura's audit was a breath of straight talking fresh air. She paid as much attention to the positives about my website as she did on the things she felt I could improve. There was no wooliness or patronising platitudes. I received the audit within the timeframe that she advised. "

Lorna S.
Freelance Editor, Proofreader and Copywriter

"OMG thank you so much! I had a quick scan through, and THANK YOU! It’s super helpful."

Libby B.

"I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your report on my website and social media. I really like your suggestions and are taking them onboard. "

Béatrice A.
Holistic Health & Nutritionist

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder

Let's get some fresh expert eyes on your website and content!

Book your audit now, and within two weeks, you'll receive your fully comprehensive report. You'll have lots of practical suggestions to ensure you get great results from your website and content efforts moving forward. 

Satisfaction Guarantee

In the unlikely event you feel I haven't delivered you at least three helpful suggestions, I will give you your money back*.

*If you are not happy with your audit, please let me know via email within 7 days of receiving it. I will always do my best to ensure this never happens, but if you feel it has, please let me know, and if we can't resolve it, I will happily refund you fully.

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Let's Get Your Content Working Hard For You!

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