This comprehensive course is designed for freelancers, Entrepreneurs and small business owners eager to boost leads and sales by Mastering The Art Of Crafting effective Website Content.

Ensure Every Page Of Your Website Works Hard For You

Learn how to create standout website content that showcases your skills and attracts and engages your ideal clients.

Learn & Implement

I don't believe in just telling you what to do. I want you to put these lessons into practice! 

Throughout this course, I set tasks with accompanying worksheets so you can take action as we go!

Together We'll Work On: 

  • Client Avatar
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Features & Benefits
  • Services & Product Planning
  • Website Content Checklist

By the end of this course, you'll have: 

  • Home Page Content
  • About Page Content 
  • Services & Products Page Content
  • Portfolio Content 

What People Are Saying

"I had no idea what to write on my website, thanks to this course, I now have every page written and I'm launching my website next week!"

Graphic Designer

"Just wanted to say I'm part way through your course and you're a fricking genius! I love the content, your delivery is spot on and I've been brainstorming ideas for the past hour to make my website better... and they keep on coming! Thank you so much "


"I love that you set tasks as we go. So many courses are just sit and listen, this actually made me do the work!!"


"I really loved the exercise for crafting my messaging. This is going to be so helpful across all my platforms, not just my website. If you do this course for that task alone, it's SO worth it!"

Resin Artist
Level Up Your Freelance Game
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Special Offer
Add the Freelancer Starter Kit

From goals to finances, CRM to sales pipeline. Everything you need to run your freelance business in one place.

Video tutorials to help you master all the elements of building a freelance business.

Normal price £37! 

Add to cart£29.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xWebsite Content Course£47

All prices in GBP


Who is this course designed for?

This course is ideal for freelancers across all industries who want to establish a strong online presence. Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your existing website, this course provides valuable insights and practical steps for creating a website that attracts and retains clients.

What will I learn in this course?

You'll learn how to understand your target audience deeply, create compelling content for your website, conduct effective competitor analysis, and strategically structure your website. The course focuses on practical, actionable skills to make your website a powerful tool for your freelance business.

Do I need any technical skills to take this course?

No, technical skills are not required. This course is designed to be accessible to freelancers with varying levels of experience. We focus on content creation and strategy rather than technical website building.

How long will it take to complete the course?

The course is self-paced, so you can take as much time as you need. Typically, participants complete the course within two weeks, depending on their schedule and commitment.

Will this course help me if I don't have a website yet?

Absolutely! This course is perfect for those just starting to build their online presence. It guides you through the foundational steps of creating a website representing your freelance business and appealing to your ideal clients.

Does this include the design and build of my website?

No, this is a content course (the most important part of your website!). What you say will make the difference between a potential client leaving or taking action! I cover website-building platforms in the bonus section and recommend easy drag-and-drop systems so you can quickly get your content up and out there! 

Let's make the hardest part easy!

Writing your website is the hardest part of getting started, this course makes it easy!